Port de l'Herbaudière ©Trendz

The port of L'Herbaudière


Engine noises, whistling rigging and slapping halyards: welcome to the port of L'Herbaudière! It was the first marina built in the Vendée, but is also a lively fishing port and a pleasant place for a stroll with its souvenir shops, bars and restaurants.


At the far northwestern tip of Noirmoutier Island, the cove at L’Herbaudière was used as a shelter for pilot boats at the mouth of the Loire River as early as the 17th century.


At the request of the Nantes Chamber of Commerce, a first large jetty was built in 1869, followed by a second in 1950, forming a protected basin: L’Herbaudière Port was created!


At the turn of the century, the fishing port of L’Herbaudière was a sardine port. Many small boats called pinasses, manned by crews from Noirmoutier, brought in sizeable catches. At the time, the island had four canneries, that absorbed nearly all of the sardine hauls. When the last cannery shut down in 1965, fishing continued with crabs and spider crabs.


In 1973, a marina was established, the first to be built in the Vendée region. After considerable dredging, the port become a deep water port in 1976, freeing it from the pressures of the tides. At present, it offers 574 berths for boats.

Bateaux de pêche port de l'Herbaudière - Quentin Boulegon

L’Herbaudière port - Quentin Boulegon


In 1980, the Organization of Small-scale Fishermen of Noirmoutier Island created a fish auction hall, the first of its kind in the Vendée. Nowadays, more than 100 boats unload their catches at L’Herbaudière. They proudly sport the letters “NO”, so often used to indicate a port of registry on Noirmoutier Island.


Most of Noirmoutier’s fishing is coastal, with netters and longliners setting off in the morning for a day of bringing in the nets and lines they dropped the day before. The island’s fishing port is known for its sole and its line sea bass. As soon as they are caught – one by one – the sea bass are marked with a “Line sea bass” label and receive special care. This quality label guarantees the origin of the product, its freshness and an eco-friendly fishing technique which preserves the flavour and appearance of the fish.


Fish auctions are held daily. Lobsters, cuttlefish, pollack, sea bream, mullet, conger eels and monkfish are also unloaded at the port. The freshness and variety of the seafood brought in by fishing skippers, plus the care they take to preserve the quality of their catches, are the real treasure of this lovely Vendée port. The fish are sold to professionals and restaurant owners on the island, but also to certain famous restaurants in Paris, Canada and Russia.

Débarquement du poisson à la criée de l'Herbaudière - Quentin Boulegon

Landing of fish at the L'Herbaudière fish auction - Quentin Boulegon


Among the 70 boats in the noirmoutrine fleet is Francis, skipper of the small trolling boat and caseyeur "Le traine misère".

Passionate about fishing, Francis decided to take over the boat of a retired fisherman. He now fishes sustainably and locally for lobsters, spider crabs, sea bass, pollack, whiting, etc.

Poissons Noirmoutier - Trendz

Fishes and shellfishes - Trendz

Fishing regulations and best practices on Noirmoutier Island 

You can find the fishing regulations and practical advice for Noirmoutier Island directly on the FNPP website.

See regional fishing regulations 

Bateau pêche - pixabay

A fishing boat at sea

Vue panoramique Port de plaisance de l'Herbaudière - Trendz

L'Herbaudière marina ©Trendz


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