Stages de dessin et d'aquarelle

Painting, Aquarelle and drawing workshop on Noirmoutier island

Wake up and try to be an artist !

Do you want to try a painting, aquarelle or drawing workshop ? Do you want to improve your artistic skills ?

Taste the art workshops organised by the painter and artist of the island.

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result of aquarelle, painting or drawing workshop on Noirmoutier island

Sardine "Atelier d'Art" - Dessin Peinture/Aquarelle
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La Guérinière

La cabane qui bouge - Ateliers d'expression créatrice/peinture/collage/modelage/écriture

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Contact information
6 rue du Puits de la Vierge - L'Herbaudière
85330 Noirmoutier-en-l'île
Tel : 06 26 59 74 52 / 06 32 84 94 19

La Fabrik d'Artbouillage et Cie - Cours et stages de peinture à l'encre, aquarelle et acrylique

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Contact information
85630 Barbâtre
Tel : 06 07 24 68 74

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