March 8, 2025 - Play : La Visite
The play: La Visite
The show explores motherhood and the choice of becoming a parent in celebration of International Women's Rights Day!
Based on the text La Visite by Anne Berest. A young mother receives a visit from her husband's extended family, who should be arriving home from work soon. This family is the audience.
She is both a brilliant woman, a PhD candidate in neuroscience, and a young mother, struggling with the fear of being reduced to the idealized image of motherhood—bliss, self-sacrifice, renouncement.
This woman is a thousand women, and with finesse, lightness, and the sharp wit of despair, she makes us hear hundreds of stories, reminding us of a friend, a sister, a mother, or ourselves, in ways that feel more or less intimate but always with a striking truth.
8:30 PM - Duration: 1h10
For ages 15 and up
Assigned seating
Full price: 13€
Reduced price: 9€
Full subscription: 10€
Reduced subscription: 9€
For more information and registration:
02 51 39 01 22 - cc.salorges@ville-noirmoutier.fr - https://les-salorges.ville-noirmoutier.fr/
The show explores motherhood and the choice of becoming a parent in celebration of International Women's Rights Day!
Based on the text La Visite by Anne Berest. A young mother receives a visit from her husband's extended family, who should be arriving home from work soon. This family is the audience.
She is both a brilliant woman, a PhD candidate in neuroscience, and a young mother, struggling with the fear of being reduced to the idealized image of motherhood—bliss, self-sacrifice, renouncement.
This woman is a thousand women, and with finesse, lightness, and the sharp wit of despair, she makes us hear hundreds of stories, reminding us of a friend, a sister, a mother, or ourselves, in ways that feel more or less intimate but always with a striking truth.
8:30 PM - Duration: 1h10
For ages 15 and up
Assigned seating
Full price: 13€
Reduced price: 9€
Full subscription: 10€
Reduced subscription: 9€
For more information and registration:
02 51 39 01 22 - cc.salorges@ville-noirmoutier.fr - https://les-salorges.ville-noirmoutier.fr/